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Wow, Coffee and Large Muscles Can Boost Metabolism Body


Jakarta, Surely we are all familiar with the word metabolism. Although not so sure, at least we know what is called metabolism. In doing daily activities, of course we are required to have a healthy body and fit. In order not to get sick during activity, we are required to consume lots of fruits and vegetables to keep the body fit. That's called metabolism. The series of chemical systems that reside in our bodies is a capital so that living things can keep their life. With the exception of food, there are currently various types of steps to increase body metabolism, such as supplements and other medications. However, according to nutrition experts from Deakin University, Tim Crowe, foods and supplements that can increase body metabolism actually does not bear the body's metabolism increases. Therefore, as taken from ABC Australia, Friday (8/23/2014), body metabolism can actually be influenced by the following 10 aspects: 1. Muscle Mass If you want to lose weight, try to raise your muscle mass. Because muscle can swallow the fats that exist in the body. With large muscle mass eating we need great power as well as so, the metabolism required by the body is also great. 2. Drugs One argument some smokers and coffee lovers are difficult to reduce their cigarettes and coffee is because caffeine and nicotine contained in cigarettes can increase metabolism in the body. 3. Environment Not many know that the environment can also affect a person's metabolism. The temperature is very cold or very hot to make the body will also work harder once again and can increase the body's metabolism. 4. Diet For some people, diet is one of the steps to get a good body. However, for you who are dieting, still must see the nutritional intake into the body. Iodine deficiency can in fact slow metabolism in the body. 5. GeneticIf you feel that your body is very quickly weak, try to ask questions to your parents. The high low metabolism of a person can be diliat from the aspect of heredity or genetic. Well, if you have family members who are genetic diseases, you may have low metabolism. 6. Physical busyness Physical activity that many certainly require a lot of power as well. Therefore, the body also requires a greater metabolism as well. 7. Hormonal Hormonal imbalances can also affect the body's metabolism. Having a hormone that is very large or very small in fact can make the body's metabolism to switch. 8. Body Shapes People with large body shapes will also have a large metabolism as well. Because they have large body organs that need to be kept extra. So do some people who have a high body. Because they have a larger skin surface, their metabolism is also getting bigger. 9. Age The older our age, certainly weaker also our metabolism. This is because our muscle tissue and hormones are switching. Therefore, infants and children who are growing and developing will also have excessive body metabolism. 10. Sex GenderSudah can be proved that bright men have a greater body metabolism in the appeal with women. (up / up)

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Wow, Coffee and Large Muscles Can Boost Metabolism Jakarta, Surely we are all familiar with the word metabolism. Although not so sure, at least we understand what is meant by metabolism. In carrying out daily activities, of course we are required to have a healthy body and fit. In order not easy to get sick while on the move, we are required to eat lots of fruits and vegetables to keep the body fit. That is what is meant by metabolism. A series of chemical processes that exist in our body is a capital for living things to sustain life. In addition to food, now there are various ways to increase the body's metabolism, such as supplements and other drugs. Even so, according to nutritionist from Deakin University, Tim Crowe, foods and supplements that can increase the body's metabolism actually does not guarantee increased body metabolism. Therefore, as quoted from ABC Australia, Friday (08/23/2014), actual body metabolism can be affected by 10 factors below: 1. Muscle Mass If you want to lose weight, try to raise your muscle mass. Because muscles can eat the fats that exist in the body. With large muscle mass eating we need great energy too and thus, the metabolism that the body needs is also great. Drugs One reason smokers and coffee lovers find it hard to reduce their cigarettes and coffee is because caffeine and nicotine contained in cigarettes can increase metabolism in the body.3. Environment Few people know that the environment can also affect a person's metabolism. Temperatures that are too cold or too hot to make the body will work harder and can increase the body's metabolism.4. Diet For some people, diet is one way to get the ideal body. Even so, for you who are dieting, still have to see the intake of nutrients that enter the body. Iodine deficiency can in fact slow the metabolism in the body. GeneticsIf you feel that your body is very fast, try asking your parents. Higher low one's metabolism can be seen from heredity or genetic factors. Well, if you have family members who have genetic diseases, maybe you can have a low metabolism. 6. Physical activity A lot of physical activity requires a lot of energy. Therefore, the body also requires a greater metabolism. Hormonal Hormonal imbalances can also affect the body's metabolism. Having a hormone that is too big or too small it can make the body's metabolism change. Body Shape People with large body shapes will have a large metabolism as well. Because they have large organs of the body that must be kept extra extra. So also with people who have a high body. Because it has a larger skin surface, their metabolism is also greater.9.UmurSemakin old age, of course, the weaker our metabolism. This is because of the muscle tissue and also our hormones that change. Therefore, infants and children who are growing and developing will have excess body metabolism.10. Gender It can be proven that men obviously have a greater metabolism than women. (Up / up)

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Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Schläfrig nach dem Mittagessen? Hmm, könnte diese Ursache sein

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Schläfrig nach dem Mittagessen? Hmm, könnte diese Ursache sein


Jakarta, Das Problem, das oft nach dem Mittagessen auftritt, ist Schläfrigkeit. Das stört sicherlich die Aktivität. Hmm, was ist dann die Ursache? Wenn es über Mittag ist, dann schläfrig oder schwach fühlen, bedeutet es nicht fit. Denken Sie daran, fit und gesund ist anders, sagt Dr. Dr. Samuel Oetoro, MS, SpGK (K) von MRCCC Siloam Hospital.dr Samuel sagt, Fit ist eine Bedingung, in der sich eine Person tagsüber bis zum Abend aktiv fühlt. Wie man fit und gesund wird, meint Dr. Samuel, sich gesund zu ernähren. Dann denke gesund, denn dann kann Stress kontrolliert werden.Lesen Sie auch: Oft schläfrig nach dem Mittagessen? Vielleicht bedeutet diese Ursache Ruhe gesund, mindestens sechs Stunden und maximal acht Stunden schlafen zu müssen. Dann eine gesunde Aktivität, die eine Menge Bewegung und regelmäßige Bewegung ist, fügte der Arzt 1958 ini.Selain, Dr. Samuel hinzugefügt auch Tipps für die Auswahl von Lebensmitteln, die durch die Anpassung der Menge nach Bedarf ist. Dann wählen Sie eine komplette Art von Lebensmitteln, bestehend aus Kohlenhydraten, Proteinen, Fetten, Vitaminen, Mineralstoffen und Ballaststoffen (Ballaststoffen). Lesen Sie auch: Tipps, so einfach zu sein Schläfrig nach dem MittagessenSimak ist auch die Ursache für Schläfrigkeit nach dem Mittagessen, in der folgenden Fun-Fact-Video:




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Saturday, March 3, 2018

Carina! Ritratto di 3 bambini sopravvissuti al cancro per 4 anni consecutivi


Carina! Ritratto di 3 bambini sopravvissuti al cancro per 4 anni consecutivi


Jakarta, tre di questi ragazzi sono sopravvissuti al cancro. La loro vicinanza è sancita da una foto unica, eseguita ogni anno per 4 anni. Il ragazzo è Rheann Franklin (9), Ainsley Peters (7) e Rylie Hughey (6). La loro fotografa, Lora Scantling, ha detto che quest'anno le tre ragazze hanno posato con un nastro d'oro che è diventato un simbolo del cancro infantile. In altre foto, usano calzini colorati. Lora dice che gli attributi che indossano Frnaklin, Peters e Hughey sono donazioni di persone. I tre ragazzi avevano diversi tipi di cancro, ma ora si dice che si siano ristabiliti. Tutti dicono che Lora ha un diverso karekter. Franklin, ama molto le arti marziali. A causa del tumore al cervello che ha, i suoi capelli non possono crescere in modo permanente. Nel frattempo, Peters che vuole essere una cantante e scienziata, Lora ha descritto come un bambino energico e amorevole. Un altro con Hughey che sorride sempre e ama molto con la danza e la ginnastica. Leggi anche: Eccitato quando i pericoli del cancro dei bambini hanno fatto campagna attraverso l'intrattenimento Hanno un legame speciale e straordinario. Farò le loro foto ogni anno finché loro e il mondo li vorrà, Lora ha detto oggi. In effetti, ogni bambino ha il proprio linguaggio nella descrizione del cancro. Il cancro è un drago nel tuo corpo, dice Franklin. E la chemio è un principe, dice Peters. Mentre Hughey ha detto che il cancro sarebbe incasinato quando hanno "attaccato" la figlia sbagliata.






Foto: Scantling Photograpgy / Today






Ogni anno, le tre bambine hanno posato una di loro con un abbraccio. Nel 2014 sembra che siano molto più piccoli di oggi. A quel tempo, Franklin era calvo, mentre Hughey e Peters avevano i capelli corti. Evidenzia deliberatamente un occhio perché secondo Lora descrive come l'un l'altro cerca di calmarsi l'un l'altro. Nel 2015, hanno posato con gli occhi aperti. In questo modo, c'è un messaggio che i bambini malati di cancro possono avere il coraggio di affrontare ciò che è vissuto. Entro il 2016, tre ragazzi dall'aspetto più grande vengono fotografati tenendo in mostra le loro foto nel 2014 in una cornice. Per saperne di più: Recupero dal cancro, bambini ancora affetti da vulnerabilità alle malattie cardiache (rdn / vit)